GVMS Mission:

GVMS is a premier learning community that encourages each student to thrive in the 21st century!

Friday, January 29, 2016

January 29th, 2016

Sixth Grade WEB is helping The Human Collective Club at Solano College and we want you to participate too! Our PonyTail Hat project serves to donate hair and make hats with ponytails for young people who may have hair lost due to different conditions, such as cancer, alopecia.  How might you feel is you had no hair?  But, do you realize hair is not the most important thing that makes you a great person?  We know that and want to share that with you.  We also would like to share our hair and will attach our pony tails to hats to give to someone.  It shows how we can help in creative ways!  WEB participants already helped by making happy, get well notes to donate at hospitals, where patients can pick them up and be inspired!  So what can you do? 

Ø  Be our guest Feb 2nd during lunch time.
Ø  Make more happy, inspirational notes.  We will collect them Feb 2nd.
Ø  Volunteer yourself to cut our hair live that day!  We will have a box into which student names will be drawn to cut our hair during lunch time.



Can you believe it?!?  We are ALREADY planning for the next school year!  In History, all 7th graders will be giving feedback as to what course they are interested in possibly coming to GVMS next year.  All 6th graders will share their thoughts in their classes as well.  Once this input has been gathered, we will have all 6th and 7th graders complete their course selections for English, Math, History, Science and electives for the 2016-2017 school year.  This will all be done AT GVMS and completely ONLINE.  We will also be sending the course description home through email so please be sure to read through them!!

Sacramento State, Admissions & Outreach is sponsoring a Parent & Student workshop, focused on Students Grade 6-9. It will take place on Sat.,April 2, 2016 from 8:00-1:00, Sacramento State/University Ballroom, 6000 J Street, Sacramento. The workshop is designed to communicate the importance of early academic and financial planning to assure students have choices after high school.

They will have interactive workshops about college majors and careers. The workshop is free to attend, and those interested in attending should register online at www.csus.edu/cmih.

Do you know what YikYak, Ask.FM and Snapchat do?  ALL parents should keep these apps on their radar as anyone can post ANONYMOUS comments about anyone and say whatever they want without being traced.  Take a look at THIS ARTICLE to see what they are all about and ways that you can educate your student to not be a target and not be part of the drama.

Our 2nd Annual Spring Fling is COMING soon and scheduled for Saturday, April 30th from 4-8 PM at GV Cellars!  We are excited to have this great community event to support local businesses, raise money for our goal of becoming a 1:1 device school (where each student has their OWN device to complete school work), and have families get to know each other even better!  TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW!  If you have a donation or contact that you can send our way, please give them Mrs. Cherry's email KristenC@fsusd.org and we hope to see you at this fun filled event!

Friday, January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016

Thank you for coming to Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday to support GVMS!  Our next dine and donate is at Mary's Pizza Shack in Fairfield on Tuesday, February 9th! Flyers coming soon!


Can you believe it?!?  We are ALREADY planning for the next school year!  In History, all 7th graders will be giving feedback as to what course they are interested in possibly coming to GVMS next year.  All 6th graders will share their thoughts in their classes as well.  Once this input has been gathered, we will have all 6th and 7th graders complete their course selections for English, Math, History, Science and electives for the 2016-2017 school year.  This will all be done AT GVMS and completely ONLINE.  We will also be sending the course description home through email so please be sure to read through them!!


Are you planners like we are?  8th grade promotion is coming June 2nd?  Please note that ALL 8th GRADE students that ARE promoting to high school will be given FOUR TICKETS each.  We cannot accommodate any larger numbers than this!

Do you know what YikYak, Ask.FM and Snapchat do?  ALL parents should keep these apps on their radar as anyone can post ANONYMOUS comments about anyone and say whatever they want without being traced.  Take a look at THIS ARTICLE to see what they are all about and ways that you can educate your student to not be a target and not be part of the drama.

Our 2nd Annual Spring Fling is COMING soon and scheduled for Saturday, April 30th from 4-8 PM at GV Cellars!  We are excited to have this great community event to support local businesses, raise money for our goal of becoming a 1:1 device school (where each student has their OWN device to complete school work), and have families get to know each other even better!  TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW!  If you have a donation or contact that you can send our way, please give them Mrs. Cherry's email KristenC@fsusd.org and we hope to see you at this fun filled event!

Friday, January 15, 2016

January 18, 2016

Way to go GVMS Vikings!  You did a great job working through your Writing Assessment this past week!  Block scheduling will also take place for the SBAC Assessment in April, so get ready!  Want to get a head start on the practice tests?  Yes! You do!  Check them out HERE!

Please remember that there is NO SCHOOL this Monday, January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.  See you on Tuesday, January 19th!  

CommonSenseMedia.org has some of the BEST article and guidance when it comes to getting our students to understand ways to NOT get involved in digital drama.  Please take a look at THIS ARTICLE to see how you can help guide your student too!

Please remember that RHS is having their Early College Information night at Rodriguez High School on the 20th!  See the flyer for more info!  Also, AHS will be here in our gym from 6-7 on Thursday, January 21st to review the IB Program at Armijo and answer any questions you may have!  Please join us for both to help guide your decision!

Our 2nd Annual Spring Fling is COMING soon and scheduled for Saturday, April 30th from 4-8 PM at GV Cellars!  We are excited to have this great community event to support local businesses, raise money for our goal of becoming a 1:1 device school (where each student has their OWN device to complete school work), and have families get to know each other even better!  Tickets will go on sale the beginning of February so be on the look out and don't miss out as there is a limit!  If you have a donation or contact that you can send our way, please give them Mrs. Cherry's email KristenC@fsusd.org and we hope to see you at this fun filled event!

Friday, January 8, 2016

January 11, 2016

Upcoming Events at GVMS!

Beginning Monday, January 11 through Thursday, January 14, all students will be on a block schedule in order to complete the FSUSD District Writing Assessment.  The schedule change is attached to the email so please review it with your student!

We are seeing more and more NEGATIVE social media apps show up on our student's phones :(.  PLEASE monitor what your students are loading, posting, watching, sending, and receiving from others.  It is breaking our hearts that there are students that are treating others in a negative way.  Please read THIS ARTICLE about ways to keep up with the latest social apps that are out there...Also, read THIS ARTICLE about "iffy" apps that parents NEED to know about including Snapchat, Burnote, Slingshot, and ESPECIALLY Ask.fm, which we are seeing A LOT of negativity from....

Our 2nd Annual Spring Fling is COMING soon and scheduled for Saturday, April 30th from 4-8 PM at GV Cellars!  We are excited to have this great community event to support local businesses, raise money for our goal of becoming a 1:1 device school (where each student has their OWN device to complete school work), and have families get to know each other even better!  Tickets will go on sale the beginning of February so be on the look out and don't miss out as there is a limit!  Please take a look at THESE donation forms that will also be going out in paper form to businesses and families.  If you have a donation or contact that you can send our way, please give them Mrs. Cherry's email at KristenC@fsusd.org and we hope to see you at this fun filled event!

If you must take your child out of school for 5 or more days, you may complete a Short Term Independent Study Contract.  We will NO LONGER be accepting IS contracts without 5 days notice unless there is a major family emergency.

Five days prior to starting Short Term Independent Study, parents must complete the Short Term Independent Study packet, indicating the dates the student will not be in school and the reason for the absence.  The teacher(s) will supply assignments. All assignments are due upon the student’s return to school. In order to receive full academic AND attendance credit, all work must be turned in.  Incomplete days will be considered truant, e.g. 3/5 work completed will result in two days.

Are you a planner like we are?  Are you already thinking about 8th grade promotion on Thursday, June 2nd 2016 beginning at 11?  Please be sure that you have the FSUSD SCHOOL CALENDAR so that you know when everything is?  Also, please remember that each 8th grader who is being promoted will be given FOUR TICKETS only.  We cannot accommodate any more than this. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

January 5, 2016


CHALLENGE DAY was a great success!  We were THRILLED to have our students participate, share, confide, and express themselves at this event.  It was an extremely emotional event and one that we know that impacted our students forever.  We want all of our students to know that they are not alone is whatever they are going through, that there are friends out there that they haven't met yet, and that all people on this campus (and the rest of our world for that matter) must have empathy and compassion for one another. Thank you again to Mrs. Bates for organizing and all of the families/companies for donating!!  We will be having Challenge Day again next school year, so please be on the lookout...

Our 2nd Annual Spring Fling is COMING soon and scheduled for Saturday, April 30th from 4-8 PM at GV Cellars!  We are excited to have this great community event to support local businesses, raise money for our goal of becoming a 1:1 device school (where each student has their OWN device to complete school work), and have families get to know each other even better!  Tickets will go on sale the beginning of February so be on the look out and don't miss out as there is a limit!  Please take a look at THESE donation forms that will also be going out in paper form to businesses and families.  If you have a donation or contact that you can send our way, please give them Mrs. Cherry's email at KristenC@fsusd.org and we hope to see you at this fun filled event!

If you must take your child out of school for 5 or more days, you may complete a Short Term Independent Study Contract.  We will NO LONGER be accepting IS contracts without 5 days notice unless there is a major family emergency.

Five days prior to starting Short Term Independent Study, parents must complete the Short Term Independent Study packet, indicating the dates the student will not be in school and the reason for the absence.  The teacher(s) will supply assignments. All assignments are due upon the student’s return to school. In order to receive full academic AND attendance credit, all work must be turned in.  Incomplete days will be considered truant, e.g. 3/5 work completed will result in two days.

Are you a planner like we are?  Are you already thinking about 8th grade promotion on Thursday, June 2nd 2016 beginning at 11?  Please be sure that you have the FSUSD SCHOOL CALENDAR so that you know when everything is?  Also, please remember that each 8th grader who is being promoted will be given FOUR TICKETS only.  We cannot accommodate any more than this. 

June 11. 2020

Dear Vikings, It has been an incredible, interesting, and all around wacky journey to the end of the school year and we ...