Wow. Just HOW many apps, social media venues, or Internet access is actually out there for our students to access it? How do we, as parents, keep up with the latest and greatest apps that teens are using? Check out THIS LINK from to help you (and us!) navigate what's going on with our kids!
NOW is a GREAT time to start having your Viking explore the CAASPP Practice & Training Tests. This will help prepare them for the CAASPP summative that they will be taking in just over 8 weeks. Please go to and click on the green button "SBAC Practice & Training Tests" to access the site. Students can access as a Guest at school or home!!! Practice makes AMAZING!! =)
WE NEED YOU!! GVMS PTC is looking for Board Members to be on the GVMS PTC Board for the 2017-2018 school year! WE NEED YOU! Please email if you are interested!! Thank you for supporting our students!
WE NEED YOU!! GVMS PTC is looking for Board Members to be on the GVMS PTC Board for the 2017-2018 school year! WE NEED YOU! Please email if you are interested!! Thank you for supporting our students!
*Our PE Department has sent home a mass email to all students regarding expectations of dressing out and cell phone use. Please be sure to check your email about it. Thanks for your support!
*School is closed April 14 and 17! Mark your calendars!
*We NEED more Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students!) on our campus! If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Cherry! We'd love to have you!!
*8th grade promotion is Thursday, June 8th at 10 AM. Each 8th grade who is promoting will be receiving 4 tickets in mid-May and gates will open at 9 AM. Balloons, signs, and anything else that can block the view of others will NOT be allowed in the gates. We appreciate your support on this!
Heart and Sole is HERE at GVMS and we are THRILLED! Girls, come and sign up! Check out this video about Heart and Sole! It's a GREAT experience and we'd love to make this HUGE at GVMS!!! Here is the application so come on girls, let's sign up!!
We are missing a TON of registration packets from all of our students. All current students MUST turn in their proof of residency forms to GVMS (not the high school for our 8th graders) and all 6th/7th graders must turn in their emergency cards, proof of residency, park/concussion forms, and device forms! Please submit these so class assignments won't be held up!
Many of our teachers are getting even more creative and working to bring state of the art technology and hands on learning for our students! Check out what they are doing AND see if you can support! It's a great time to be a Viking!